Forums - JoJo's Bizarre Wackyness! (Strategies and Fun Stuff) Show all 11 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- JoJo's Bizarre Wackyness! (Strategies and Fun Stuff) ( Posted by homerSCORPION on 07:09:2001 11:18 AM: JoJo's Bizarre Wackyness! (Strategies and Fun Stuff) Some fun stuff I do in JoJo, DIO: First get 9 super bars, do the World 21 super, then do his Egyptian daggers super three times(can be done with the stand on, but without it, it looks cooler), then finish your opponent off with DIO's patented road roller da, then end it with DIO's taunt, when the World 21 super ends, your opponent would be impaled by all the knives you threw from before, for a total of 55+ hits Jotaro: Like DIO's, get the supers first, do the World super(Star Platinum not active, or else the damage won't be as much), do the Patsun Ora super(super beatdown) and while Star Platinum is beating down your opponent, you join in the fun with a lot of chains, and when he's done, do the super again, and continue to beat down, then taunt for fun at the end, this is about 65+ hits I think, haven't played JoJo in awhile) And getting nine supers with either Jotaro or DIO is easy, since they're both capable of winning games without em. Note: When DIO does his knives super during the World, the knives freeze because time has stopped, giving it the semi-matrix look Posted by homerSCORPION on 07:09:2001 12:02 PM: Uh, so nobody wants to know stuff for JoJo? I guess I'm the only one who cares about the whole series here. Posted by hyt on 07:09:2001 02:41 PM: Man, I haven't played that game in a long time... don't think anyone really took it seriously cos it was only known to all those anime freaks out there... I enjoyed playing the sequel though... Pet Shop was just too much fun... another rolento like character with poking A1... hehehe... you could play serious mind games with that guy... Posted by homerSCORPION on 07:09:2001 06:25 PM: Wow, only two people here at, (ok three, cause I think IronPanda used to have a Jotaro av, but he doesn't know about this thread) know that JoJo even exists. Anyway here's another fun strategy tip: Hol Horse (both): (Note: strategie(s) work better in the arcade and DC versions, since the PSone doesn't have the scrolling) Abuse the keep away game, shoot first, keep running away, basically, be really annoying with your tactics, play like a coward. JoJo Note: In the manga, Hol Horse has a motto, that goes something like this; "Always work as a team, if the team is gone then leave and don't bother (otherwise runaway real fast)" So playing like a coward fits his personality Posted by homerSCORPION on 07:09:2001 06:30 PM: If any of you have any JoJo strategies and just good stuff to say about the game or series, post here. Posted by JaHa on 07:09:2001 06:35 PM: im not krazee about the game but the movie was sick i gave it a chance but there was no depth to it jus the action part was pretty koo Posted by hyt on 07:09:2001 07:53 PM: I never really got a hang of Hol Horse... I'm so used to using Stands that he was just too wierd for me. Kakyoin was so much better at keepaway than Hol Horse was. If you think the anime is crazy, just read the whole manga series. Fuck, I still have to catch up on Ch.6. Jotaro's daughter is so cool... I think that Jojo plays a lot like Zero 3, with the flips and juggling. Rolls were not that useful since they were so slow and readable. Kakyoin was such a cheap ass too! Very difficult to get close to. Posted by homerSCORPION on 07:13:2001 06:14 AM: Differences between the two DIOs, Shadow Dio is more of an offensive character, and has more speed with the combo ability. While DIO, is more defensive than his counterpart, both DIOs can do the World, but there still done differently. Posted by SSJ Hibiki on 07:13:2001 09:47 AM: I play this too, but haven't in a couple of months. However, there was a great combo thread going a few months ago, and a page by Combo Master featuring many infinites. Try searching for it. There are also a few JoJo characters for Mugen (Shadow Dio, Jotaro, Kakyoin) that I can send to anyone who wants them. Posted by hyt on 07:13:2001 01:52 PM: Personally, I like Shadow Dio since his stand is a REALLY good long distance poke. However, it also makes him weaker than others since he will take chip damage a lot. His knives cover the screen well too, making him versatile for both keepaway and rushdown. Posted by MarkyMark on 07:13:2001 03:18 PM: D'Bo is the best. And versus Vanilla Ice, Hol Horse can cheat... I've been kept in the air indefinitely because of Hol's QCF+P gun shot. Since Ice drops so slowly, it won't let him down. So broken . All times are GMT. The time now is 11:35 PM. Show all 11 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.